Saturday, 27 August 2022
How your mind stops you from losing weight
Take this scenario.
You are my Fitness coach, and I am your client, I have a life-threatening problem, I weigh 300 pounds and that weight is rising. I have identified that a major part of the problem lies in the fact that I adore chocolates and have built up a habit over 10 years of eating one box a day.
I come to you my good coach and ask you to help me. I ask you for something I can eat three times a day that will build up in my brain and create an appropriate positive pattern that will improve my life.
You agree. You consider the major positive styles and approaches, select the best and give me an ideal formula that will save my life.
Immediately after our meeting I go home and enter my living room, and there ‘starring ‘at me is a two-pound box of best-assorted Swiss chocolates, what do you, dear coach, think I will do?
(a) Not even be tempted because of my new resolution
(b) Be attempted but not eat any
(c) Be attempted but only eat one
(d) Be tempted but only eat a few
(e) Be tempted and eat most of them
(f) Eat the lot
The answer is ……
The answer is I will probably eat the lot. why? For 10 years I have been hard training myself to become an Olympic chocolate eater. I have surrounded myself both (outside and inside) with chocolates. I have had tens of millions of thoughts about chocolates. In fact, for 10 years, I have been building up a giant habit in my brain. It is known as a BBH – a BIG BAD HABIT.
I have to you asking for help, having decided that I need to change. Is my decision a thought? Obviously, ‘yes’ and again is that thought real? Again, obviously ‘yes’ That means by deciding to change and coming to you, I have actually developed a new pattern of thought in my brain a new probability for behavior. But look at what happened the moment I stared at the chocolates. My Big Bad Habit has been enormous in size for 10 good years. And then along comes a new thought much like a tiny newly spawned fish. A minuscule new habit that attempts to take on the Olympic BBH. No chance!
So, I eat the entire box, and just after having finished, remember that I had decided to change, thinking about this in the context of having just demolished an entire two-pound box, how will I feel? Jot down the first three thoughts that come to you.
In my NEXT article, you will learn how to create correct thinking formula that will help you create GOOD NEW HABIT and achieve your FITNESS goals

Having a personal trainer eliminates the thoughts that tell you to give up. You'll have a motivator, a training buddy and a diet coach. ...