“Our questions determine our thoughts"
What makes the difference in the attainment of fitness goals when two people hit the gym at the same time, trained by the same coach, following the same program but one person loses weight tremendously while the other one doesn’t? I’ve realized that the questions that you consciously or unconsciously ask yourself in the course of your fitness journey could either be empowering you or disempowering you.
A classic example of this is a person who wants to lose weight and can’t. It’s not that they can’t. It’s that their present plan of evaluating what to eat is not supporting them. They ask questions like “what would make me feel most full”? And “what is the sweetest richest food I can get away with”? This leads them to select foods filled with bad fat and sugar – a guarantee of more unhappiness.
What if instead, they ask questions like “what would really nourish me”? “What’s something light that I can eat that would give me energy”? Better yet they could ask if I eat this, “what will I have to give up in order to still achieve my goals”? By asking questions like this they associate pain to overeating and their behavior will change immediately.
To change your life for better, you must change your
habitual questions. Ask the questions that will uplift your spirit and push you
along the path of fitness excellence.
If you are looking
for a personal trainer with potent knowledge and experience to help you not
just lose weight or get fit but create moving-forward achievable fitness goals.
Then you’ve found the right trainer. I want to guarantee you success in
attainment of your goals in as little as one month.