Monday, 26 March 2018

The Diet Question in Fitness

Here is the sad truth: EXERCISE ALONE DOES NOT WORK!
You cannot out-train a bad diet. It will not matter whether you are hiking Mount Kenya every week, or using your car for squats every morning; if your diet is whack, nothing will work.

So what is the perfect diet?

Well, there is none. There is not one foolproof diet that will guarantee everyone results. And even then a single strategy might not always work for the same person, even if it has worked in the past.
The key lies in finding the perfect balance that will suit your specific needs at different periods in your life/training.
From paleo through low-carb to intermittent fasting, there are very many diet strategies out there each laying claim to the number one spot. Some are good, some are bad and some are very bad. Your goal to avoid the latter two, and tailor the good ones to suit you and your goals as an individual.

The 5 qualities of a good diet program

“The way we eat – or, at least expert recommendation as to how we should eat – can be as much a matter of fad and fashion as the clothes we buy or the way we wear our hair. As with other fashions, notions about correct and healthful diet are constantly changing. Yesterday’s dietary “laws” often become today’s taboos.”

There are however common unchanging characteristics of a good diet program. Here are 5:
1)      Gets you to care about your food and eating: research shows that your actual choices are less important than simply paying better attention to what you eat. When you really care about what you eat, and make mindful, deliberate choices, you almost inevitably eat better.
2)      Gets you to focus on food quality: No decent diet plan that will ask you to increase your intake of processed, junk, food. They all focus on whole, minimally processed foods that are rich in nutrients. These foods naturally agree with our body. Regardless of how much of what you eat, simply eating better quality food will improve your health significantly.
3)      Helps eliminate nutrient deficiencies: When you care about what you eat, choose foods mindfully, and get the best quality foods you can afford, you usually gets lots of valuable nutrients along the way. You start to feel better, look better, because you are finally giving your body what it needs.
4)      Helps control appetite and eating: It’s very hard to eat a controlled portion of highly processed foods, because they are designed to bypass our natural satisfaction cues. When you choose better foods that are of better quality, more nutrient rich and more satisfying, you end up eating much less. This translates into better calorie control, without the otherwise annoying calorie math.
5)      Encourages regular exercise: Good nutrition fits with regular exercise like a key into a lock. When you start paying attention to what you eat, you usually start thinking about exercise as well; or vice versa, because they go hand in hand. This is why all good nutrition programs should be complemented by good exercise programs.  

Make your diet work for you

Whatever diet strategy you finally settle on, physical activity and exercise is indispensable to making it work. As mentioned before, the reverse is also true when you begin with activity. I think this is the easier part of the equation because you have only three options:
1)      Get a personal trainer: here you get maximum attention and a super individualized session at a premium charge. Call us for more information on 0726316559 or get in touch with my very good friend here 0724916981
2)      Join a group class: These can be fun and energizing because you get to draw from the whole crowd in attendance. Check out our group class for weight loss here
3)      Do-It-Yourself: This is for the self-motivated individual; it requires a decent amount of knowledge and experience. See our recent article on making your own program here
Each of these options have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s crucial you are properly informed and ready for each one.

Your next step

As previously mentioned, there are lots of diet strategies and nutrition programs out there, most of them trending on the internet briefly before disappearing, like bad fashion. The confusion can be unbearable, but it doesn’t have to. Be mindful of what and how you eat. This is all you have to do to get started on a successful diet strategy. The nitty gritty details don’t matter, not quite, not immediately, maybe never.
In my experience, most people know exactly what is wrong with their diet. Most people have some idea of what they should and should not be doing. What you want is to pick one bad habit, focus all your work on it until you own it. Pick the next, and do the same, repeat one you missed or didn’t do very well.
For example, say one of the self-identified bad habits in your diet could be overeating. Work on this one single task till you are satisfied you eat decently, then move on. You will always know when you get there.
Got questions, comments or concerns? Write in the comments box below, or email us directly at

The Essentials of Sports and Exercise Nutrition – Certification Manual, Third Edition – Dr. John Berardi, PHD, CSCS et al
The Zone: A Dietary Road Map – Barry Sears, PHD, with Bill Lawren


Having a personal trainer eliminates the thoughts that tell you to give up. You'll have a motivator, a training buddy and a diet coach. ...