Friday, 10 June 2016


I will try to explain why most guys do not see the type of results they would love to see, and why you are capable of achieving much more than you probably think.
The fitness industry is just like the food industry—or any
industry, for that matter. The truth is always hiding
somewhere between what you see and what you believe. 
You have been diligently working to find a solution,but as you are struggling to fix a broken system you get hindrances from your own hormones. No one’s talking about this because the fitness industry is not an open forum for discussion. It’s no wonder most guys are unsure about what they should eat, when they should eat, and the best way to exercise.

Insulin is on of those hormones that you don’t want to mess around with, anyone who’s ever been on a low-carb diet can tell you that eating carbs crashes your insulin and makes you
tired. Once in a while is not much of an issue, but the
frequency with which you do this can be dangerous. If
your insulin is spiking and crashing all over the place
every single day, you’ve got a problem. You’re going to
cause something called insulin resistance, which is the
opposite of what we want—insulin sensitivity.
With insulin resistance your insulin is chronically high,
which means your body is primed for fat storage. You
might not think this is your issue, but the standard diet that you eat includes about 300 grams of carbs per
day. And if you enjoy a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich
for lunch, pasta for dinner, and some crackers and fruit
as snacks throughout the day, then you’re already near
the danger zone. And that doesn’t even account for
sweetened drinks (that includes juice), desserts, and the
“healthy” muffins they offer at work

The insulin spikes will become more pronounced, and it
will take less food to achieve them. It’s sort of like being
an alcoholic. But instead of needing more alcohol to feel
drunk, you need fewer carbs to achieve the same
insulin spike. This is why so many people fear carbs.
When you eat too many carbs consistently, it makes
each and every carbohydrate you eat worse for your
body. And that’s exactly what we want to avoid.
Insulin resistance isn’t just inconvenient; it’s downright
dangerous. Obviously we’re worried about fat loss and
muscle. But there’s also a direct relationship between
insulin and failing health—including obesity and diabetes.

By limiting your carbs—and timing them for the
moments when you need them most—we retrain your
body to manage the master hormone the right way.
That is, there’s a direct relationship between insulin
management and nutrient uptake: the more insulin
sensitive you are, the more nutrients (especially from
carbs) will be directed into your muscle cells rather than
your fat cells.
Inevitably, this is what will allow you to take in more
carbs without becoming fat—and what will help turn
cheat days into fat-destroying splurges.

So not matter how much effort you put in your morning jog , as long as you keep taking in the carbs then you’ll only be dissapointed that you are not losing weight, therefore your health will not improve. But your health directly influences everything in your life and we mean everything —your wealth, happiness, intelligence, sex life, and longevity. And that’s just the short list. Every aspect of how you live and feel depends on the way you exercise and what you eat.

We’ve listed nine problems that can be easily avoided if
you fix your hormones.
1.  Reduced Intelligence
2.  Stunted Sex Drive
3.  Accelerated Aging
4.  Lack of Sleep
5.  Insulin Spikes
6.  Lack of Confidence
7.  This is for men “you have Boobs Instead of Pecs”
8.  Fertility Issues
BODYFIT PERSONAL TRAINING is a nairobi based company, we’ve been in this industry for 5 years. Our goal is to give you insights on how to eat well and train with you in the right way in order to control your insulin hormone that may be taking a toll on you and pulling you back from achieving your fitness goals. With our specific workouts and your will power, we guarantee that you’ll achieve what you’ve always wanted. Call us today 0726316559 or email and LET’S GET STARTED.


Having a personal trainer eliminates the thoughts that tell you to give up. You'll have a motivator, a training buddy and a diet coach. ...